Monday, October 10, 2005

The Captain's Quarters

I just realized that I didn't post a comic today. I didn't even draw one. So, sorry, you'll have to deal with no comic. I'll try to catch up.

The Glass Ghillie 2005

The Glass Ghillie 2005 video is now available online in 4 parts.

Part A @ Ourmedia | Direct Link

Part B @ Ourmedia | Direct Link

Part C @ Ourmedia | Direct Link

Part D @ Ourmedia | Direct Link

Sorry, the quality isn't that great, but it's a sacrifice. If you want better quality, I still have copies of the DVD.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


I made a new blog just for pictures, a place where I can post all the pics I take. That way, I won't bore you here with lots and lots of pics, but I can put them somewhere so that you can view them if you're interested, and so that Katy and others can look through to find pics of themselves or important events. I'll probably put up all of my pics eventually, but for now, I'm going to post new ones. There are pics of Tess, our new cat, up there now. You can get to the pics through the link on the side-bar, or here. For those of you viewing via Livejournal, I'll post here whenever there's anything of particular importance.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

"matt needs" - Google Search

This is from fleawort:

Go to Google. Type in "[your name] needs", in quotes, replacing [your name] with your first name. Find the 5 funniest things that come up in the search and post them to your blog.

Here are mine:

Matt Needs Spaz

"Matt needs to have his bottom bared and a paddling needs to be administered... "Matt needs someone to bend him over and give him 20 paddles in his shorts ...

Please donate to the "Matt needs new pants" fund.

Matt needs to start selling large blue foam "We're Number One!" hands.

And my favorite: Matt needs help washing potatoes.


PS> Here's another one, and it hits a little close to home:
Still this "Matt" needs to make some form of sense to the rest of us... So this "Matt" needs to start interacting like a normal person and soon. ...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Comic for Friday, 7 October

Here's today's comic. Sorry for the laziness. You'll notice that I didn't really draw anything new... but Oh well, I bet well-know cartoonists do stuff like this all the time, and they get paid.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Comic for Wednesday, 5 October

Here's today's comic! Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Yesterday's comic.

Here's the comic that should have gone up yesterday. I know, it doesn't fit into the story-line. I just thought it was funny that I kept seeing really run-down places advertised like this.



PS> More comicky goodness tomorrow.

Monday, October 03, 2005


So I failed to live up to my promise. I have 1 comic drawn, but it's not very good, so I don't even feel like putting it up. I need to find time to draw. It's a great stress-reliever. Unfortunately, the price on time is higher even than the price on gas these days. And I'm so stressed out and depressed I just want to sit around and veg. That's bad. I hate when I get like that. Maybe I'll go draw right now... if only I can think of an idea...