Monday, August 01, 2005

Ahoy there

So this is the beginning of my new blog. I like blogger, and it gives me so many options. There is just one failing, the friends features of livejournal are not here, so I'll have to keep my lj acct. for that. Anyway, I'm really using this as a vehicle for my "Olog" (short for AudiOlog or RadiOlog), which is sort of an audio blog. So, if you have iTunes, you can subscribe to my Olog as a podcast. Isn't it great? I can invade every part of your life. Actually, it's sort of an outlet for my need to do radio. Alternatively, if you don't have iTunes or a great Podcast program, you are silly. But if you are silly, you can click the link each week and listen to my Olog that way.

So here's yesterday's (it's really just a boring test of the whole system):

If you want to subscribe to my podcast, it's available here:

Captain Moody


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